Wednesday, May 25, 2011

10 Baby Magic, Unique & Weird World

Every day, hundreds of thousands of babies were born and most of them are considered normal. Rarely, there are cases where that baby is some form of abnormality. Some call it a miracle baby they and others call them the genetic accident. Here are some cases that is quite unique. You can decide whether they are an accident or miracle.


The baby was born in India in 2001. His 10-inch tail revealed to the world years after his birth. Many Indians consider him to be re-incarnation of god.

2.Infants with 16 fingers

Small children are born in China on November 5, 2008, he has 8 fingers on each foot and no thumb on both hands.

3.Infants with 4 arms and 4 legs

Baby girl (Lakshmi Tatma) was born in India and regarded as a re-incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu

4.Two-headed baby

In 2008, a baby born with two heads in Bangladesh.

5.Bermutasi Bayi 

This baby was born in 2006 with a condition called anencephaly. Is there any relation with the formation of the brain that is not correct or incomplete.

6.Infants with Harlequin type ichthyosis

Babies born in Gilgit, Pakistan was born as tiger skins in March 2010. There also seems to be something wrong with his lips the hands and closed eyes. The baby died shortly after giving birth. 

7.The world's smallest baby 

Amillia Taylor noted to be the smallest baby ever born, and fortunately, only two weeks before the legal abortion limit 

8.Baby Twins Two Inter-Racial 

This is very interesting. Same parents, same date of birth, the uterus is the same but different races. Both children (Layton and Kaydon Richardson) had just celebrated their birthday in July 2010

9.One year old pregnant

The baby girl was carrying twins parasites in her stomach. He recently operated and is now well and normal.

10. Back from the dead - a miracle baby

 The biggest miracle of all. Premature Baby pronounced dead after the birth but miraculously, two hours later the baby was well and healthy life. 

READ MORE - 10 Baby Magic, Unique & Weird World

7 wonders of the world under the sea teletak

If you love history, archeology can follow the news, who admired the old civilization and at the same time you are happy and have a great desire in expert scuba diving, then here we will talk about the 7 wonders of the underwater world, you'll be glad mungunjunginya.

The history of humanity lost a lot in the development process. Many cities and other objects of civilization are lost in the depths of lakes, seas and oceans around the world. Some of them ditengelamkan into the sea, as in fairy tales, earthquakes, tsunamis or other natural disaster centuries ago. Some of them have been opened and in meticulous, some even raised to the surface thanks to pop up technology. Others, however, still holds many secrets of ancient civilization, the scholars and curious divers go down, the green water.

Alexandria, Egypt

Alexandria, city of Alexander the Great (Macedonia) - the rest of the kingdom of Cleopatra. It is anticipated that the city was about one and a half thousand years ago, influenced by the quake, and Alexandria is almost entirely disappeared under the water, along with all the artifacts, statues, columns and other beauty of Cleopatra's palace. Project to raise the water nominate experts constantly, but while the case is moving slowly. However, you can continue to dive into the underwater ruins of Alexandria.

Gulf of Cambay, India

A few years ago in India, opened a town in 9500. The ruins are under water on the southern coast of India showed the highest level of civilization at that time. It should be noted that until now a very old city, known in India, there are only 5 thousand years. Discovery called Golden City, as the legendary city of residence Krishna.

Kwan Phayao, Thailand

500 years old Thai temple located at the bottom of lake Phayao. The new lake - it was created almost 70 years ago, but now the drain is not possible - it requires a high cost so it's easier to leave everything as is. And some fans argue that the temple ruins of the water has become part of the ecology of the lake and everything should remain intact.
Yonaguni-Jima, Japan

Near the coast of Japan, about twenty years ago, founded the mysterious underwater pyramids appear immediately dispute. The scientists suggest that the «building» detectable carved from stone. But this is done by people using the tool, and very high developed technology for a while.

Havana, Cuba

The group of scientists continue to explore megalithic ruins in the Yucatan channel called near Cuba. They have been found miles along the coast. American archaeologist, who discovered this place, immediately declared that they found Atlantis (not the first time in history, underwater archeology.) Now sometimes visited by scuba divers, and all others who are interested can enjoy only in the survey and computer reconstruction of the old city buried water millennium.

North Sea, Europe

A piece of natural scenery found some time ago in the North Sea. Part of the country under water so suddenly that preserved the river, floodplain lakes and coastal borders. According to the researchers, this unique discovery has much to tell about what the land thousands of years ago.

Atlantis, Antarctica

One hundred years ago, the museum curator in Istanbul made ​​a surprise discovery. By studying the ancient world map, he finds that is marked by mountains, consistent with the known topography of Antarctica. Atlantologi now using this card, proving that the legendary continent of Atlantis - what is now called Antarctica. Primarily driven by their evidence that the thickness of ice in Antarctica is the land of the company, not under the sea, and at the icing on it to grow tropical forest.

READ MORE - 7 wonders of the world under the sea teletak